Our policy allows you to return your item within 10 days of receiving it. To be able to return the item, it must be in the same condition as when you received it, with the original packaging, and not used or worn. You also need to show proof of purchase.

If you want to return the item, you can email us at info@hairwax.pk, and we will send you instructions on how to return it. If you send the item back without getting in touch with us first, we won’t be able to accept it.

Please check your item when you receive it, and let us know right away if the packaging is damaged, or if you received the wrong item.

After we get your returned item, we’ll check it, and then let you know if you’re getting a refund or not. If you do get a refund, we’ll send it back to you using the same payment method you used when you bought the item. The refund may take a few days to show up in your account, depending on your bank or credit card company.

If you haven’t received your refund within 10 business days, please email us at info@hairwax.pk